Tag Archives: running

Why you should never compare yourself to anyone (especially your husband!)

2 Jul

Some of you already know that in early September, I am competing in the Bridge to Brisbane fun run this year. I am NOT a runner. I love to dance, zumba, box and pump it.  Running, not so much.

However, I enjoy challenging my personal fitness goals in an effort to stay motivated and shake things up.  Running, even 5 or 10km, is that challenge.

I have been training over the past month or so and steadily increasing my P.B (that’s ‘Personal Best’ for you non-running folk).

What you may not know is that hubby is also competing, but until yesterday, had not run anywhere other than from the car to the beer store.

So…given it was his first time, I hoped expected him to suffer and thought I would need to take it easy on him.

So not the case. At all.

He killed it out there! His basket-baller limbs propelled him forward effortlessly while I ran alongside like the proverbial energizer bunny on speed. I kept pace but only just, and by the end of our run, I was beet-faced and breathing ragged.

He looked like he was just warming up. (He sucks, right?)

At that moment, standing by his side – I felt quite disheartened and a little aggravated.

It didn’t matter to me that he plays soccer and is younger with a 6ft.1” stride compared to my (almost) 5.6”

I had worked hard to be able to run that far and there he was blitzing it on his first go.

It was a slapping reminder why it is never good to compare yourself to others.

Caz Makepeace from Mojito Mother recently did an in-depth podcast on the subject.  She surmises that we should be comparing our achievements to our own personal goals  rather than the successes of other people.

  • Comparisons only shed light on what is lacking in your life.
  • Comparing your own achievements to others can make you feel unhappy, less than, or resentful.
  • Every time you do it, you are automatically highlighting your shortcomings

In summary –

No matter what you do or how long you learn or master a new skill – there is always going to be someone who can do it better.  Furthermore, you are at risk of comparing your whole worth with their one superior skill-set.

No good can come of this!

Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on yourself

  • Look at your own personal strengths and values. Appreciate them.
  • Increase your own game.  Compare yourself to yourself.
  • Love yourself with all your imperfections.

As long as you are doing your best – your best is good enough. What more can you do?

*Finally, if all else fails…run twice as hard and twice as often and put itching powder in your opponents shoes in the day of the race.
